The Basic rigging plan explained


Basic rigging Plan


1. Who is responsible for the rigging
2. Calculate the weight of the load
3. Find the center of gravity
4. Selecting accessories
a. What is the sling angle
b. Calculate the sling leg length
c. Calculate the sling SWL
d. Selecting shackles

How to calculate the weight of the load?

                             The cargo weight (Weight Factor)

1.Weighted                 X 1.03

2.Manufactured           X 1.05

3.Calculated               X 1.1

4.Estimated                X 1.2

How to calculate the weight of a load?

                              The safety Factor(operation factor)

Onshore operation            X 1.1

Inshore operation             X 1.15

Offshore operation           X 1.3 MSAH


Cargo basket has a name plate stamped 3000 KG Gross weight


The load is 3000 kg weighted

Step(1) = 3000 * 1.03 (weight factor)= 3090 kg

Step(2) = weight of basket + weight of riggers(hook + slings, shackles, ) = 3090 + 1.0 (for example) = 4090 kg

Step(3) = 4090 * 1.3 (operation factor for offshore operation) = 5317 kg

SO, all your plan should designed on 5317 kg as the weight of the basket also, the minimum crane capacity at this point must be 5317 kg.

How to calculate the weight of a load?

1.Knowing the load density

2.Calculate how it’s weight in kg per cubic m

OR, you can use the tables directly

But, first you must know it’s volume.

load chart

How to calculate the weight of a load?

Volumes of common shapes

Volumes of common shapes


Aluminum block has the dimensions

Aluminum block

Length= 5 m, width= 2 m, thickness= 0.1 m

Weight = 5 * 2* 0.1 * 2.7 = 2.7 tonne



How to find the center of gravity


center of gravity

The weight of the load is 8000 KG

To find the center of gravity use the simple mathematics equation

6000 / (6000+2000) = 0.75 = 75%

The center of gravity is between the two centers shifted 75 % to the heaviest side

How to find the center of gravity


center of gravity

The weight of the load is 11000 KG

To find the center of gravity use the simple mathematics equation

8000 / (8000+3000) = 0.73 = 73%

The center of gravity is between the two centers shifted 73 % to the heaviest side

4. Selecting accessories




After doing the proper calculation and selecting the accurate accessories, you have to make:

 1. Risk assessment. 

2. Simple drawing to clarify the operation. 

3. State the sequence of operation step by step.

1. Risk assessment

All personnel involved with the operation must review the lifting plan.

Lifting supervisor to inspect the lifting accessories and assure the actual weights of the cargo measured by the crane is matching with the lifting plan.

Lifting supervisor to check the Integrity of loads and associated equipment.

crane operator to carry out pre-check/inspection of the crane.

Banksman is the only authorized one to signal the crane operator as per pre-job safety meeting.

•Crane operator must check the position of the crane in the correct positions as drawing attached with the lift plan.

•Lifting supervisor to ascertain that the environmental conditions are within crane parameters as the wind speed not exceeding the allowable.

•Lifting supervisor to ensure no conflicting activities ongoing is surrounded/landing areas and load path is clear of obstructions.

•Riggers must use Tag lines to control swinging of load during operation.

•Area of Lifting must be isolated by caution tape

•If previous points is ok, start perform the lifting operation.

2. Drawing for the operation

basic rigging plan chain

3. sequence of operation(step by step).

Mention all personal involved with the job (one crane operator, one banksman, two riggers, etc…)

Lifting supervisor and lifting team review the lifting plan and risk assessment.

Lifting supervisor check all lifting accessories and ensure the color code.

Banksman instruct riggers to attach the accessories to the load as the plan said.

Banksman give signal to crane operator to position the crane hook to a suitable height where the riggers can connect the slings. Banksman give signal to the crane operator to start hoisting up to take slack of slings and position the hook in center of gravity of the load.

Banksman give signal to the crane operator to start hoisting up the load about 15 cm from ground to check balance.

If the load balanced, banksman give signal to the riggers to connect two tag lines to control swinging of the load.

Banksman give signal to the crane operator to start lifting the load and swinging it to it’s final position.

After double check the landing are is clear, the banksman give signal to the crane operator to start lowering the load to it’s final position.

Banksman give signal to the riggers to detach the lifting gears from the load.

Cease and tidy work site.

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