Covid19 Protection and prevention


Covid19 Protection and prevention

What is Coronavirus before we see Covid19 Protection and prevention ?

Coronavirus viruses are large family of viruses that may cause illness in animals or humans. The most recent Corona Virus (COVID 19) is a respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus.

What are the symptoms?

The common symptoms include:
  • Fever
  • tiredness
  • dry cough
Other symptoms include:
  • shortness of breath
  • aches and pains
  • sore throat
also, few people report diarrhea, nausea, or a runny nose.

Before starting from home to work - Self assessment 

covid 19 self assessment

Covid19 Protection and prevention at pick up points in companies

  • Cover face with mask
  • If body temperature is more than 37.5ºC (99.5ºF), advised to go back home and consult doctor
  • Temperature check while boarding
  • Use mask and Sanitize Hand
  • Its recommended to avoid public transport.
  • Maintain social distancing instead of standing in group/crowd
  •      Maintain social distance of 1.8 meter at pick-up point

Travel in bus

bus arrangements

Travel by personnel vehicles

  • Avoid back seat in two-wheelers.
  • If you travel in 4 wheel then sit diagonally to the driver 
car seating

Main Security Gate (Entry & Exit )

main gate check

Key points 

  • Clean hands using sanitizer after moving from gate to workplace
  • Maintain social distancing of 1.8 meter while in queue
  •  Support Security personal for necessary checking
  • Always wear Mask while inside factory premises
  • Do not touch gates by your hands

Attendance Swiping

  • Maintain Social distancing of 1.8 mtrs
  • Punch at machine with ID card from 2 cm distance
  • don't touch ID card to machine
attendance machine



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