HSE risk assessment for door and windows activity at Constrcution site!!!

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HSE risk assessment for door and windows activity at your site

1. Lifting/Installation of Doors and Window and finishing works ( HSE risk assessment for door and windows activity )


  1. Non-compliance to permit to work system(PTW)
  2. - Incompetent personnel
  3. - Not using PPE
  4. - Incomplete Lifting plan
  5. - Lifting without calculating the gross weight - Poor Lifting Practices - Failure of Lifting tools and tackles
  6. - Mechanical / Hydraulic failure/Fire - Crane failure/toppling - Improper crane set up - Work on suspended load
  7. - Improper ground preparation
  8. - Uncontrolled load swing
  9. - Improper Lifting communication - Improper slinging & De-slinging - Lack of supervision - Simultaneous operations (SIMOPS) - Lack of emergency prepareness
  10. - Cut/Laceration due to sharp edges
  11. - Ergonomics
  12. - Trip and slip
  13. - Pinch point
  14. - Falling object
  15. - Dust inhallation
  16. - Electrocution
  17. - Fall form height
  18. - Poor illumination
  19. - Insufficient ventillation
  20. - Skin, Eye, respiratory Irritation
  21. - Noise
  22. - Waste generation
Control Measures:

1. Prior to work commence, valid work permits shall be obtained & all works conducted in LNGI shall comply with P0058LNG-0000-PD-0024_Permit_to_Work_Procedure
2. Approved method statement & approved risk assessment shall be in place prior to work commence.
3. Prior to work commence, all involved personnel shall undergo required training courses in accordance with P0058LNG-0080-PD-0006_HSE Training Plan and training matrix.
4. Before starting the activity, (TBT) /TSTI shall be conducted to identify and understand hazards and the control measures. 5. Construction manager shall required to sign and participate in TBM/TSTI prior to start the activity.
6. All personnel shall use required and mandatory KIPIC Approved PPE.
7. Ensure lifting/erection activities are as per the approved lifting plan & approved method statement "Doors and Window works - P0058-LNG-MS-0219 Installation Procedure".
8. Authorized crane operators, rigging supervisors and riggers shall have KNPC approved third party certificate
9. Rigger shall be identifiable to all concerned in lifting operations by wearing a red helmet,riggger vest and shall have rope cutters. 
 10. Lifting equipment / tools / tackles / gears, i.e.,web slings,wire slings,etc. that will be used during erection/installation shall have KNPC approved third party certificate (TPC) & inspection shall be carried out by approved/certified rigging crew before start of work and follow project monthly color coding.
11. Daily inspection of the crane shall be conducted by operators and record shall be kept with the crane. 
 12. Valid and inspected fire extinguishers shall be available with the equipment in case of possible fire.
13. Outriggers must be properly set and locked where locking devices are provided and is positioned correctly before lifting a load.
14. Work area or lifting area is properly barricaded with adequate signs, "Danger - Lifting in Progress" and no unauthorized personnel shall enter inside the barricaded area, use warning tape with yellow & black stripes.
15. Crane shall be properly set on a safe distance of 1.5 times of depth of excavation while working near the edges of excavation area. 16. Use 2 taglines to control load .Tagline length shall match with the tagline length mentioned in the lifting plan,rope cutter shall be provided.
17. Ensure the load is directly above the center of gravity; hoist ropes must be vertical to minimize the movement of load as the weight is taken. 
 18. Loads shall not be lifted until directed by the rigger to avoid fingers being trapped between the load and the sling. An additional rigger ust be provided if the load goes out of sight.
19. Proper communication between the rigging supervisor and his deputies including crane operators shall be ensured. All signals must be clear and distinct.
20. Periodic inspection and regular maintenance of crane shall be carried out and record kept with the crane. 
 21. Maintenance on site (if not avoidable) to commence as per manufacturer recommendations & project related safe working practices(SWP) to be adhered while doing such activity.
22. Only certified rigger shall allow to attach the lifting Gears to Doors and Window during installation. 
 23. Ensure that no personnel allowed to move or to work closed to crane swing area to prevent caught in between/crush by outrigger parts and counter weight. 
 24. Shall have proper coordination with other groups task supervisor or contractors and area authority involved. 
 25. Stablish emergency procedure rescue plan and desimenate to all workforce. 
 26. Fall protection plan shall be arranged and implemented on work.
27. Lifting area shall be barricaded with caution signages to ristrict unauthorized entry.
28. Provide proper working platform and access during installation.
29. Hand And Power tools must be inspected with montly color coded sticker and in good condition prior to use.
30. During the installation of Door and Window barricade and signages should be in placed.
31. Leather gloves shall be worn during handling and installation of door & window to avoid injury on sharp edge of doors windows glass.
32. Proper arrangement and segregation of tools and materials.
33. Exhaust fan must be provided to eliminate dust on area.
34. Dust mask should use in dusty area.
35. Cable cord must be inspected with ( monthly inspection sticker ) color coded.
36. All works at height shall comply with P0058LNG-0080-PD-0026 Working at Height Plan.
37. Provide suficient illumination prior to start of the job.
38. Site Supervisor must ensure correct use of ear protection in areas marked up at noisy area(exceeding 85 dB)
39. All wastes shall be disposed in terms of K- EPA regulations

This is the information for the HSE risk assessment for door and windows activity at site. To download excel file πŸ‘‡

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